Sample Recumbent Bike Workout Plans

Recumbent exercise bike is often underestimated by people with a competitive concept of the cycling training. However, its popularity continues to grow. Perhaps because it is the lowest impact bike of its kind, while allowing the user to obtain considerable physical benefits.

Recumbent bikes are recommended for older or sedentary people. People with back problems can also benefit. In addition, this bike is ideal for individuals in rehabilitation phase who need to burn calories.

These machines help to lose weight and increase endurance. They provide a cardiovascular workout of considerable intensity with low impact. They also strengthen the legs.

Recumbent exercise bike builds muscle in the legs primarily: hamstrings, quadriceps, calf muscles, tibialis anterior and glutes.

All these features make this bike a highly recommended option.

Advantages of the recumbent bike

Relative to the upright bike, the recumbent bike has some considerable advantages. These include the following:

Its greater comfort. The seat of recumbent bike is more voluminous and therefore more comfortable than that of upright bike.

Increased safety. By having a more voluminous seat and being in a reclined position, the recumbent bike is safer for older people or those with balance problems.

This bike can stimulate the user to train more while benefiting the body. Since it is hands-free, the user can read, watch a movie and even work online while pedaling, which prevents him from getting bored soon. On the other hand, a person pedaling on an upright bike does not have that alternative.

In this sense, with the recumbent exercise bike the user can save time. Do not forget that time is money and with your hands free you can perform many tasks.

Sample Recumbent Bike Workout Plans

Recumbent exercise bikes may appear to be an easy method of exercise, but appearances don’t always match facts. According to many specialists, these machines are capable of providing a first-class workout.

But to achieve this, a serious training plan must first be established. The training should be structured to suit the user’s capabilities and expectations.

Initially, it is good to establish a moderate pace, in the form of a warm-up. This will tone up the body in preparation for more intense periods of exercise. Between 5 and 10 minutes of pedaling will be sufficient.

Newcomer recumbent bike workout

If you have no experience in this kind of exercise, you should start moderately. Then, as you become more familiar with the machine, you can gradually increase the speed. Once you reach the 30-minute range, and if you feel confident, it is time to increase the pace.

Reaching a heart rate around 70% is most efficient. On the other hand, repeating this routine more than three times a week is advisable for optimal results in terms of both cardio and weight loss.

The US Department of Health and Human Services has even established some parameters. 150 to 300 minutes per week in moderate plan. 75 to 150 minutes per week at a higher speed. A combination of both routines may also be recommended, depending on the objective needs of each person.


Start the exercise by setting the recumbent bike on low resistance.

Develop a slow pedaling rhythm.

Then complete a warm-up of about 5 minutes.

Increase resistance every 5 minutes without decreasing in intensity.

Increase intensity in the final 30 seconds of each level.

Reduce intensity whenever you increase resistance.

Finish by reducing the intensity slowly in the last five minutes.

HIIT: Powerful workout

If your joints are not sore and you are not in the process of rehabilitation after an accident, should you train on this recumbent bike? Why not. For cardiovascular training on this bike, a program with high-intensity sequences is ideal.

This training can be done in two ways. One, by pedaling with greater intensity. Another, by increasing the resistance of the bike to pedaling. Both require intensifying the user’s effort.

The idea is to boost the heart rate and then descend to shorter, less dynamic periods of exercise. This variant is ideal for weight loss.


Start the exercise with a 4-5 minute warm-up.

Perform this first segment at moderate intensity.

Increase the resistance to 80-90% of your maximum for the next 60 seconds.

Then reduce the resistance to 40-50% of your maximum for about 30 seconds.

Repeat the same pattern for the next 15 minutes.

Relax by lowering the intensity for the last five minutes.

You should strive for an RPM of 75 for most of the exercise.

You should strive for an RPM of 50 in the warm-up.

You should strive for the same RPM in the cool down.

Dumbbell training on recumbent bikes

An interesting method for a more complete exercise is to perform recumbent bikes with dumbbells. Here attention should be paid when choosing the dumbbells. They should not be excessively heavy. Elderly people should abstain.


Start with a moderate warm-up of about five minutes.

Perform the dumbbell shoulder for about 25-30 seconds.

Then speed up the recumbent bike for about one minute.

Next do curls with both arms for about half a minute.

Then return to cycling for about 50-60 seconds at maximum intensity.

Do squats with dumbbells for about half a minute.

Get back on the bike and pedal for 60 seconds at full speed.

Finish with another full-minute dumbbell shoulder sequence.


You may be wondering which bike burns more calories, the upright bike or the recumbent bike. Understandably, you’re particularly interested in increasing calorie burn, for example, because your ultimate goal is to lose weight. Fortunately, both bikes have the same fat-reducing potential and provide the same amount of muscle activity recommended by experts.

In this sense, the key remains the intensity and discipline with which the user uses the bike. Again, four or more times a week is ideal.

If you have the possibility of buying an recumbent exercise bike and installing it in your home, do not hesitate. The closer you have this machine, the better. If you set yourself the goal of moving while you work, there is nothing more practical than your home to achieve it. It will improve your quality of life.

Recumbent VS Upright Exercise Bike


When it comes to deciding between a recumbent bike and an upright exercise bike, there are some important considerations that need to be taken into account. While both types of machines have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, choosing the right one for your body type, fitness goals and needs can make a world of difference. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the differences between the two and provide some tips for making the best choice.

Differences between Recumbent vs Upright Exercise Bikes

There are several differences between recumbent and upright exercise bikes that should be taken into account when making a decision.

1) Comfort

Recumbent bikes tend to provide more comfort than upright models, as the seat is larger and angled in such a way that it provides back support. This makes them ideal for those with lower back or neck pain who may find upright bikes uncomfortable.

2) Ease of Use

Recumbent bikes are also much easier to use due to their reclined position, which allows users to keep their feet flat on the pedals and maintain good posture. Upright bikes, however, require more effort due to the less-reclined seating position and the need for users to pull against the pedals.

3) Workout Intensity

When it comes to workout intensity, recumbent bikes tend to be less intense than upright models due to the reclined seating position and lower resistance levels. Upright bikes, on the other hand, are more challenging as they require users to pull up against the pedals at a greater intensity.

4) Calorie Burn

Recumbent bikes tend to burn fewer calories than upright models, as the exercise is less intense. However, if users increase the resistance levels and tempo on a recumbent bike, they can still get a good calorie-burning workout.

5) Muscle Targeting

Recumbent bikes focus more on the lower body muscles, such as the quadriceps and hamstrings. Upright bikes, however, are better suited for targeting both the upper and lower body muscles due to their position and higher resistance levels.

6) Price

Recumbent bikes tend to be more expensive than upright models, as they are larger and offer more features. Upright bikes, on the other hand, are generally less expensive due to their smaller size and lower resistance levels.

Tips for Choosing the Right Exercise Bike

When deciding between a recumbent bike and an upright model, there are several factors that should be taken into consideration. The following are seven tips to help you make the right choice:

1) Consider Your Body Type and Fitness Goals

Recumbent bikes are best suited for those with lower back, neck, or shoulder pain due to their reclined seating position. Upright bikes, on the other hand, are better for those who want more of a challenge and are looking to target both their upper and lower body muscles.

2) Think About Price and Features

Recumbent bikes tend to be more expensive than upright models, as they are larger and often have more features. Upright bikes, however, may offer a more affordable option for those on a budget.

3) Take into Account Comfort Level

If comfort is a priority, then recumbent bikes may be the best option as they offer more back support. Upright models, on the other hand, will require users to pull up against the pedals at a higher intensity which can cause discomfort for some.

4) Consider Portability

If portability is important, then an upright model may be the better choice as they are typically smaller and lighter than recumbent bikes.

5) Check Resistance Levels

The resistance levels of an exercise bike should also be taken into account when making a decision. Recumbent bikes tend to have lower resistance levels, while upright models offer more challenge due to their position and higher intensity.

6) Think About Your Budget

Finally, it is important to consider your budget when choosing an exercise bike. Recumbent models tend to be more expensive than upright bikes, but they may offer more features and comfort.

7) Read Reviews

Before making a decision, it is also important to read reviews from other users to get an idea of how the bike performs. This will help to ensure that you make the right choice for your needs and budget.

Those are the main points to consider when deciding between a recumbent bike and an upright model. Remember that the best option for you will depend on your individual fitness goals, budget, and comfort level.

Reasons to Choose Either a Recumbent or Upright Exercise Bike

There are many benefits to using either a recumbent or upright exercise bike. Here is a quick overview of the advantages of each:

Recumbent Bikes

1) Offers better back support and comfort

When seated on a recumbent bike, users are able to recline in the seat and get more back support which can help with posture and comfort.

2) Easier on Joints

Due to their reclined position, recumbent bikes help to reduce stress on the joints compared to upright models. This makes them an ideal choice for those with joint pain or mobility issues.

3) Lower Resistance Levels

Recumbent bikes typically have lower resistance levels which can make them easier to use for beginners or those who are looking for a gentler workout.

4) More Features

Recumbent bikes often come with more features such as a larger console, adjustable seat settings, and built-in speakers.

Upright Bikes

1) More Intense Workout

Due to their upright position, users can pull up against the pedals with more force which provides an intense workout for both the upper and lower body muscles.

2) More Affordable

Upright bikes tend to be less expensive than recumbent models due to their smaller size and fewer features.

3) Portable

Due to their lightweight, upright exercise bikes are easier to move and store away when not in use.


Choosing between a recumbent or upright exercise bike is a personal decision that should be based on your individual fitness goals, body type, comfort level, budget, and other factors. Each option offers its own benefits which can help you achieve the results you want. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the bike that best meets your needs.

Best Way To Lose Weight With An Exercise Bike

Bike exercise is a type of cardio workout. You can work on your cardiovascular health and lose weight by using an indoor bike or outdoor bike. Bike exercise is good for your mental health as well because it helps you to focus while increasing your heart rate and getting endorphins flowing. There are many benefits to working out with a bike, but there are few precautions to take as well. One of the most important things you should do when using a bike is increase the resistance gradually so that you do not injure yourself while exercising. Bikes are also less expensive than other forms of exercise equipment and have been shown to have better results in terms of weight loss than caloric restriction programs alone.

Below are tips on the best ways to lose weight with an exercise bike:

1. Work out slowly

The most imperative thing you can do when using an exercise bike is to work out slowly. It is all too easy to get carried away when using an exercise bike and start pedaling as quickly as possible. However, as this will increase your heart rate you should avoid doing this while in the initial stages of working out with a bike because it could cause your body harm. While getting into shape, you should try to maintain a quiet cardiovascular intensity so that you do not harm yourself or cause any damage to your body.

2. Use proper posture

The way your body moves when on the bike is of utmost importance for getting the best workout possible and reducing risk of injury or strain. While in the saddle, you should keep your back straight and tighten your abs. You should also be careful not to arch your back while holding onto the handlebars because this can cause strain on the spine and lower back.

3. Avoid injury

The most common injury that occurs while using an exercise bike is strained or minor sprained ankles, knees or hips. If you are working out with a bike, it is important that you listen to your body and do not increase the intensity too quickly as this could lead to potential harm or strain on important joints of your body. You should also never cycle without a helmet because it will be dangerous if you hit your head when cycling at high speeds or if you fall off of your bike during training.

4. Take breaks

It is important that you are having fun while exercising with a bike because this will make working out more enjoyable. However, if you have been working out for hours then it is recommended that you stop and have some rest as taking enough breaks will help you keep your heart rate in check and prevent injuries while cycling. You should try to take at least a five-minute break every hour or so before having another workout with an exercise bike to avoid injury by having worn out muscles and joints.

5. Listen to your body

There are a lot of benefits to working out with an exercise bike and it is important that you listen to your body while exercising. If you do not feel like doing an exercise and are feeling fatigued or beat up, then it is best not to continue because this could cause injury or strain.

6. Work out with a friend

Working out at home or in your own home is great but if you want to get the best workout then you should work out with a friend or in a gym with other people. Working out in groups will increase the intensity of your workout and help you push yourself further than working out alone. It will also give you a sense of motivation to push yourself further because of having someone else pushing you along.

7. Consider an indoor bike or an outdoor bike

If you have access to weights, outdoor bikes, treadmills and other traditional exercise equipment then this would be better than using an indoor bike with resistance training attachments because it would be more intense and help build up more muscle mass. However, if you are looking for a good exercise bike for home use to get the best workout possible then an indoor bike would be better as it will provide more resistance and allow you to control the intensity of your workout.

8. Take care of your bike

Just like any other piece of exercise equipment, you need to take care of your exercise bike. You should keep it clean at all times so that no bacteria or dust can build up on it. You should also try not to fiddle with the mechanisms inside your bike because this could cause damage, although most bikes come with spare parts that you can easily replace if something breaks down.

9. Avoid hot weather

While exercising with an exercise bike you should avoid working out in hot environments or in hot weather. You should also take care that you are not overheating yourself as overheating is one of the most common problems people have with bikes and can cause injuries. You should also avoid exercising too much in extreme heat as it can cause heat stroke if your body cannot process the heat produced.

10. Lose weight safely

The best way to lose weight is by coming off of unhealthy food and by putting on a healthy diet, which will include plenty of fruits, vegetables and whole grains to help you along with your weight loss goals. Along with a healthy diet and a safe weight loss exercise plan, you can lose weight and get back into shape by using an exercise bike.


If you are looking for the best exercise bike for weight loss then you should try to aim to get yourself into shape with a bike before replacing your old bike with a new one. The best weight loss exercise is something that you can do at home and the best way to lose weight quickly by using an exercise bike. The most important thing that you can do when using an exercise bike is to work out slowly and listen to your body as well as not using too much intensity or strain on your body during your workouts. If used properly, an exercise bike can help you achieve your fitness goals faster than any other form of fitness equipment.

13 Best Recumbent Bikes For Weight Loss

Recumbent bikes for weight loss are a great way to burn off a few pounds in the comfort of your own home. It’s perfect for people who don’t feel much like going out, but want to exercise. Plus, taking just one hour out of your day can really change your life! There are so many benefits from riding a recumbent bike that it’s worth it for anyone who wants to get into shape. The best recumbent bikes for weight loss are the ones that come recommended from well known trainers. You can sit comfortably on them, which will make you forget that you’re actually exercising! The following are 13 best recumbent bikes for weight loss.

1. Lanos 2-in-1 Upright and Recumbent Foldable Exercise Bike

This bike is brilliant for people who want to burn fat and shape up. The seat can be adjusted to two heights. It also folds up, so you can store it away easily when you’re not using it. The LCD display lets you know you’re burning fat and calories. You can even use it to do yoga.

2. Schwinn 230 Upright Exercise Bike

The upright bike offers a comfortable ride that keeps your back straight, unlike other bikes where you end up slouching down and feeling stiff after exercising. The console is simple to operate and monitor your progress as well as keep track of the time and distance, calories burned, and pulse rate. There are 8 levels of resistance on the bike for more intense workouts for people who are looking to get more out of their exercise routine. This machine also folds up easily, making storage space a lot easier to deal with no matter how tight the spot you’re confined to may be.

3. Schwinn 270 Recumbent Exercise Bike

The Schwinn 270 is a popular choice for people who want to exercise at home and don’t want to go outside. The folding frame makes it easy to store away and the display monitor lets you know how many calories you’ve burned. It’s also great for yoga enthusiasts, since it can be used as a recumbent bike and a recumbent stationary bike, the way the real thing would look like.

4. Sole LCR Recumbent Bike

The Sole LCR recumbent bike is a three-in-one machine that’s great for aerobic workouts, strength training and yoga. You can choose the program you want from 20 levels of resistance, so you can work at your own pace. The computer lets you know how much time and distance you’ve covered. It’s also foldable for easy storage when it isn’t in use. The back of the seat and handlebars are padded for extra comfort.

5. Exerpeutic 900XL Extended Capacity Recumbent Bike with Pulse

At 31 pounds, this is one of the lightest recumbent bikes on the market today. A metal frame makes it sturdy and durable, even after months of intense workouts, so you can rest assured that it will hold up to anything you may want to do with it. Resistance levels are 20 in all, giving you plenty of options for improving your performance and working out more intensely. It’s got a good number of programmable courses for working out at your own pace based on the length and intensity of what you want to accomplish with each workout session. It’s also foldable for easy storage when you’re not using it. It can hold a maximum weight of 300 pounds.

6. Exerpeutic Gold 500XL Folding Recumbent Bike with Pulse

This is another great option for home use and exercise based on the fact that its metal frame won’t crack easily, even with exceptionally intense workouts designed to improve your performance and get you into shape much faster than before! Resistance levels are 20 in all, so you can do more challenging workouts for people who are serious about getting into shape quickly and efficiently. It has a variety of programs for working out at various levels based on how much time and effort you want to put into your efforts. It’s also foldable for easy storage when you’re not using it.

7. Sole E3-XL Recumbent Exercise Bike with Pulse

This machine is great if you want to get into shape and shed pounds without going to the gym! It’s lightweight, foldable and can be easily stored away when it’s not in use so you don’t have to worry about limited space wherever you live. The seat bracket is padded so your lower back isn’t going to ache after an intense workout session. You can choose between 25 levels of resistance for a more intense workout. It has a pulse monitor so you get to know how much effort you’re putting into your workouts, which is great if you want to keep track of your progress and make adjustments as needed.

8. Ultimate Fitness DM-3 Recumbent Bike with Pulse

The weight limit on this bike is 300 pounds. It’s designed to be sturdy and durable so you can put it through the most rigorous workouts without worrying that it won’t hold up to whatever you want to do with it. The seat is padded for comfort, but the backrest and handlebars are also padded for extra support when you’re working out intensely. Resistance levels are 21 in all, giving users plenty of opportunities to improve their overall performance. The computer tracks how much time and distance you’ve covered, which is especially helpful when working out on a stationary bike since there aren’t any other readouts available.

9. Atlas Fitness 3-in-1 XL Recumbent Bike with Pulse

This bike has a maximum weight capacity of 360 pounds, making it one of the best weight loss recumbent bikes for people who are looking to exercise vigorously and get into shape quickly. 48 resistance levels offer more intense workouts and make it easy to get in shape as fast as you want. It also folds compactly, which makes it easy to store away when you’re not using it, no matter how tight the space may be!

10. Sole E3 UL Recumbent Exercise Bike with Pulse

This bike is specifically designed for people who have back problems or need extra support for their backs during exercises. The padded seat and adjustable backrest offer plenty of support and comfort, which makes it easy to work out on the bike for as long as you want, even if you’re starting out with very low-intensity workouts. 48 levels of resistance make it easy to create more challenging workouts! The pulse monitor is accurate so you get an idea of how much effort you’re actually putting into your workouts.

11. Sunny Health & Fitness Pro Indoor Cycling Bike with Adjustable Resistance

This machine is great if you want to exercise in the comfort of your own home but don’t have a lot of space to work with. The foldable frame makes it easy to store away when it’s not in use and the monitor shows you how long you’ve been working out in each session, which lets you know how much progress you’ve made. Resistance levels are 20 in all, so users can make them more challenging as needed. It’s also got a great range of programs for working out at different intensities based on what kind of workout you want to do and how much time you have.

12. Exerpeutic 400XL Folding Recumbent Bike with Pulse

A metal frame makes this bike simple and durable, which is great if you’re looking for a recumbent bike that can handle intense workouts with no problems. Resistance levels are 21 in all, so users can make them more difficult as needed. The pulse monitor lets you know how much effort you’re putting into each workout so you can adjust it to fit your fitness goals better. It folds up compactly with the push of a button for easy storage away when not in use.

13. Stamina In-Motion Elliptical Trainer with iFit Wireless Technology and Heart Rate Monitor

This machine is a unique combination of stationary bike and elliptical trainer, which makes it great for people who want to move around as they exercise but can’t or don’t have the space for two separate machines. It’s got an iFit wireless technology so you can get access to on-demand workouts designed by professionals right in your living room! The heart rate monitor keeps track of your effort level so you always know how much effort you’re putting into each workout. It’s also got a small footprint and folds up compactly for easy storage when not in use.

In conclusion, recumbent stationary bikes are designed to help you get into shape and improve your performance as you work out. They’re great for people who have back problems or are otherwise unable to exercise vigorously on a traditional upright bike.

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