Recumbent VS Upright Exercise Bike


When it comes to deciding between a recumbent bike and an upright exercise bike, there are some important considerations that need to be taken into account. While both types of machines have their own unique benefits and drawbacks, choosing the right one for your body type, fitness goals and needs can make a world of difference. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the differences between the two and provide some tips for making the best choice.

Differences between Recumbent vs Upright Exercise Bikes

There are several differences between recumbent and upright exercise bikes that should be taken into account when making a decision.

1) Comfort

Recumbent bikes tend to provide more comfort than upright models, as the seat is larger and angled in such a way that it provides back support. This makes them ideal for those with lower back or neck pain who may find upright bikes uncomfortable.

2) Ease of Use

Recumbent bikes are also much easier to use due to their reclined position, which allows users to keep their feet flat on the pedals and maintain good posture. Upright bikes, however, require more effort due to the less-reclined seating position and the need for users to pull against the pedals.

3) Workout Intensity

When it comes to workout intensity, recumbent bikes tend to be less intense than upright models due to the reclined seating position and lower resistance levels. Upright bikes, on the other hand, are more challenging as they require users to pull up against the pedals at a greater intensity.

4) Calorie Burn

Recumbent bikes tend to burn fewer calories than upright models, as the exercise is less intense. However, if users increase the resistance levels and tempo on a recumbent bike, they can still get a good calorie-burning workout.

5) Muscle Targeting

Recumbent bikes focus more on the lower body muscles, such as the quadriceps and hamstrings. Upright bikes, however, are better suited for targeting both the upper and lower body muscles due to their position and higher resistance levels.

6) Price

Recumbent bikes tend to be more expensive than upright models, as they are larger and offer more features. Upright bikes, on the other hand, are generally less expensive due to their smaller size and lower resistance levels.

Tips for Choosing the Right Exercise Bike

When deciding between a recumbent bike and an upright model, there are several factors that should be taken into consideration. The following are seven tips to help you make the right choice:

1) Consider Your Body Type and Fitness Goals

Recumbent bikes are best suited for those with lower back, neck, or shoulder pain due to their reclined seating position. Upright bikes, on the other hand, are better for those who want more of a challenge and are looking to target both their upper and lower body muscles.

2) Think About Price and Features

Recumbent bikes tend to be more expensive than upright models, as they are larger and often have more features. Upright bikes, however, may offer a more affordable option for those on a budget.

3) Take into Account Comfort Level

If comfort is a priority, then recumbent bikes may be the best option as they offer more back support. Upright models, on the other hand, will require users to pull up against the pedals at a higher intensity which can cause discomfort for some.

4) Consider Portability

If portability is important, then an upright model may be the better choice as they are typically smaller and lighter than recumbent bikes.

5) Check Resistance Levels

The resistance levels of an exercise bike should also be taken into account when making a decision. Recumbent bikes tend to have lower resistance levels, while upright models offer more challenge due to their position and higher intensity.

6) Think About Your Budget

Finally, it is important to consider your budget when choosing an exercise bike. Recumbent models tend to be more expensive than upright bikes, but they may offer more features and comfort.

7) Read Reviews

Before making a decision, it is also important to read reviews from other users to get an idea of how the bike performs. This will help to ensure that you make the right choice for your needs and budget.

Those are the main points to consider when deciding between a recumbent bike and an upright model. Remember that the best option for you will depend on your individual fitness goals, budget, and comfort level.

Reasons to Choose Either a Recumbent or Upright Exercise Bike

There are many benefits to using either a recumbent or upright exercise bike. Here is a quick overview of the advantages of each:

Recumbent Bikes

1) Offers better back support and comfort

When seated on a recumbent bike, users are able to recline in the seat and get more back support which can help with posture and comfort.

2) Easier on Joints

Due to their reclined position, recumbent bikes help to reduce stress on the joints compared to upright models. This makes them an ideal choice for those with joint pain or mobility issues.

3) Lower Resistance Levels

Recumbent bikes typically have lower resistance levels which can make them easier to use for beginners or those who are looking for a gentler workout.

4) More Features

Recumbent bikes often come with more features such as a larger console, adjustable seat settings, and built-in speakers.

Upright Bikes

1) More Intense Workout

Due to their upright position, users can pull up against the pedals with more force which provides an intense workout for both the upper and lower body muscles.

2) More Affordable

Upright bikes tend to be less expensive than recumbent models due to their smaller size and fewer features.

3) Portable

Due to their lightweight, upright exercise bikes are easier to move and store away when not in use.


Choosing between a recumbent or upright exercise bike is a personal decision that should be based on your individual fitness goals, body type, comfort level, budget, and other factors. Each option offers its own benefits which can help you achieve the results you want. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose the bike that best meets your needs.